2 Websites to Help You Level Up as a Developer

Hey there, fellow dev!

I know it's not easy to keep learning and leveling up as a developer. It’s also easy to overlook some of the essential knowledge that helps you grow into a great developer.

In my experience, I found some resources that are so incredibly valuable that I can’t believe they're free. Let me share two of them with you.

  1. Exercism

If you're learning or considering learning a new programming language, this is the place for you.

Exercism is a platform designed for hands-on learning, with exercises that range from simple "hello world" programs to advanced challenges.

It offers more than 70 languages to explore, and some of them come with special learning paths. These paths organize exercises by topic, and you unlock new topics by mastering the earlier ones. This helps you learn quickly without wasting time bouncing between articles or getting stuck.

Some languages and technologies come with great documentation, while others are less clear. That's why Exercism is always a useful resource to add to your learning toolkit.

  1. Refactoring Guru

This site is packed with a wealth of knowledge, featuring beautiful illustrations and clear explanations that are some of the best I’ve seen.

It delves into two key areas in depth: the art of refactoring and design patterns.

You'll learn how to identify what's making your code messy and the right techniques to clean it up, making it more readable and easier to maintain.

Plus, the site covers all 22 classic design patterns, with code examples in multiple programming languages.


Thanks for reading! If you know of a resource that's surprisingly free or very affordable for how valuable it is, feel free to share it in the comments. See you next time!